
Speaker I

Prof. Shigeru Kato
Seikei University, Japan
Prof. Shigeru Kato was born in
Tokushima, Japan, 1947. His experences are as following:
March 1970, B.S. (Agricultural Chemistry), Faculty of
Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture
April 1971, Graduate School (Agricultural Chemistry course),
Tokyo University of Agriculture (until March 1976)
March 1976, Ph.D. (Agricultural Chemistry), Tokyo University of
April 1976, Visiting Fellow, NIEHS (National Institute of
Environmental Health Sciences), NIH (National Institute of
Health), US Government (until June 1979), North Carolina, USA
July 1979, Research Associate, NRI (NODAI Research Institute),
Tokyo University of Agriculture (until March 1982)
April 1982, Lecturer, NRI (NODAI Research Institute), Tokyo
University of Agriculture (until March 1990)
April 1990, Associate Professor, NRI (NODAI Research Institute),
Tokyo University of Agriculture (until March 1995)
April 1995, Professor, NRI (NODAI Research Institute), Tokyo
University of Agriculture (until April 1997)
May 1997, Visiting Scientist, RCAST (Research Center for
Advanced Science and Technology), The University of Tokyo (until
April 1998)
July 1998, Invited Researcher, NEDO (New Energy and Industry
Technology Development Organization), Ministry of Economy, Trade
and Industry (until March 2001)
April 2003, Invited lecturer and Research associate, Department
of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Seikei University
(until March 2007)
April 2007, Professor (Special Invited Research Professor),
Department of Materials and Life Science, Faulty of Science and
Technology, Seikei University
Speaker II

Assoc. Prof. Gun-Hean Chong
Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia Dr.
Gun-Hean Chong is an Associate Professor at Universiti Putra
Malaysia (UPM), and the Head of Department of Food Technology,
Faculty of Food Science and Technology, UPM. At the Faculty, he
teaches fundamental food engineering, food units operation and
physical properties of food. He received his Bachelor’s degree in
Process and Food Engineering, Master’s degree in Agricultural
Engineering, and PhD in Chemical Engineering. His primary research
interests are supercritical carbon dioxide and food engineering
processes. In the past, he has been a visiting researcher at Delft
University, Netherlands, and Tohoku University, Japan. Dr. Chong has
been working on solubility of compounds in supercritical carbon
dioxide and extraction of bioactive compounds from bio-matrices with
supercritical carbon dioxide. Currently, he is working on hybrid
extraction technique, such as ultrasonic and dense carbon dioxide
for the separation of phyto-nutrients from industrial by-products,
namely the palm oil industry. He is also working on tailored-made
smart powder with supercritical carbon dioxide to produce “the
delicious medicine”. During his many years as a food engineer, Dr.
Chong has been granted several research funding from industrial
partners as well as the Malaysia’s Government to tackle issues and
problems related to food processing. He has supervised five PhD
students and ten Master students. He has published 33 scientific
papers, two books and two book chapters, and currently serves as one
of the Associate Editors for the JCR-indexed International Food
Research Journal.